you've never heard of her, neither had I but figured it was cheap and easy
to just buy a purple wig. Someone remind me the next time that I think I
should wear a wig that I always end up just looking like a transvestite (all
transvestites reading this blog, please see previous post). But check out
the awesome Shera - esque crown that I made with glitter and stickers.
Fitting since Princess Amethyst is 13. I'm here with Zorro (Alice) and Mr
Muscles (Aaron) which is like Mr Clean cleaning product. Alice made him
this jumpsuit, which was perfect.
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I've been busy watching Lord of the Rings for the first time. I know, how could I have come to New Zealand without seeing it. The guy at the video store told me I shouldn't tell anyone my dark secret and that to make up for it I should watch the extended version. Extended version, what is it, 12 hours??? I got through one and two this past weekend, much at the expense of my research, and much thanks to Alice and Aaron who made it even more enjoyable by narrating where each scene was filmed and friends of theirs in different parts.
This past week marked three months here and I can't say it enough, its absolutely flying by. I guess spending 12 hours watching LOTR helps make that happen as well. To mark the three months here's a little recap/update of some themes:
Friends: Now that I have some friends, I've realized I can't afford them. Going out all the time really eats away at my meager stipend and I don't want to miss an exciting trip cause I went to trivia too many times in Wellington.....Also I need to save for when you all come to visit me. First friend arrival - Bob lands on Wednesday for a week and we're heading to the South Island for glaciers, Mt. Cook, rugby and more. Can't wait!
Fashion: Now that the weather has turned I'm having to get real creative with my wardrobe since as discussed in previous posts, for some reason I packed about 50 sundresses and tank tops and 3 sweaters. As far as fashion in Wellington goes, the basic uniform is black tights with some jean thing over it (this could be jean shorts, jean skirt, long jean shirt doubling as a dress), with some black high top keds or boots, and a black slouchie hat. So a good thing about the tights-jeanshort look is that this works basically all year round. I've decided to join this all year round club by seeing how cute my sundresses are over black leggings and seeing how many of my tanktops I can wear over a turtleneck. Will send photos
Yogging: I've taken up New Zealand's national pastime of yogging. For those not in the know, NZ invented jogging. Yep they slowed down the run and discovered a goldmine. It should be noted that I'm not naturally inclined towards running, no matter how much you slow it down. I sort of resemble Phoebe from Friends, and often feel like I'm going to wobble over. Well, picture that mess running a half marathon in about a month. I signed up for one, we'll see if I actually go through with it or just keep my yogging to what it was invented for, pleasure...
Half marathon? Awesome! Let me know if you need any inspiration :)
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