Monday, April 9, 2012

Holy Canoli and other blessings on Easter Weekend

So after over a year in Italy, I finally managed to convince an Italian to go away for the weekend with me to explore their own country. And where better to go, but the country of the gods - Sicily. We planned the trip less than ten days in advance and somehow fit in volcano hiking, arancino eating, waterfall dipping, temple meandering, canoli devouring, and a lot of asking crazy Sicilians for directions. One of my highlights for the trip, was that Paola was also a foreigner in Sicily. She's from the North of Italy (Torino) and never was the divide between North and South more clear than on this trip. First, she thought she was going to Africa and packed all summer gear. Second, everyone we talked to (and there were many considering how many times we got lost) could not understand her and she could not understand them. Plus everywhere we went they treated both of us equally as oddities. Another highlight is all of 'Paola's Tips' on life, which truly deserve a book, but that is for a later post or publication. I only wish I had a flipbook of all the characters we encountered and the stares and treatment as aliens we were entreated to. Here are some quick highlights of how I spent my second Easter in Italy - one year with the Pope, the next with holy canolis, guess which was better?

Mt Etna, dominating Sicily

Isola Bella, which you can
walk to at low tide

Paola was scared we couldn't
drink the water from the tap -
I mean she basically thought we
were going to Africa. But I assured
her that Sicily's water was still safe,
but even I was pleasantly surprised to
find one of my favorite things about Rome -
fontanelle (nasoni) whenever you're thirsty

Bar Turrisi in Castelmola was
recommended to us by our apartment
owners. They told us there was a surprise
and that it was 'unique in the world'. As we
approached the entire town was empty and it
felt a bit eerie, and then we entered and the
laugh was on us.......And as our host said,
"You have to see it for yourself", so rise to the

Fortifying for the Etna hike with
Arancine, a speciality of Sicly - a fried
risotto ball stuffed with your choice of
meat ragu, spinach, prosciutto, eggplant, ....
We had at least one every day

We didn't plan well for our hike to
Etna, and neither of us had appropriate
'winter' gear for the top of Etna, so I
suggested frolicking to keep warm, and then...

this was created. (in the background
part of our transport up Etna)

Our first form of transport up Etna,
a Finuvia (gondola)

Some of Etna's 300 craters

Navigating the top of
Etna, the highest volcano
in Europe

Even the boiling steam from the
crater couldn't keep us warm

Having fun despite the cold, wind, and

Hills = happiness

Seriously, I've unleashed
a monster

Thinking - life is pretty awesome

Playing in the waterfalls and many
cascading lakes of Cava Grande in
Avola, Sicily

You might not be able to tell at this
scale of photo, but driving around Sicily
you just keeping bumping into the
glory of Etna dominating the horizon

I managed to eat a holy canoli
everyday of Easter weekend -
which was truly a blessing

Ancient Ortigia, once considered
the most important city in the Greek

The sunrise from my
terrace at the Lemontree,
overlooking Taormina and the

Cracking open my first Italian giant
chocolate Easter egg with a special
surprise inside

Paola told me that her 'favorite' American
friend used to make her banana pancakes.
So obviously there was a challenge thrown down.
Paola told me she wanted me to make "my recipe".
Err, umm, what's in Bisquick? Quick google search
later, and a confession to Paola, and I think
I might still somehow be working my way in as
the favorite American. It may have been the chocolate
chunks of Easter egg I added, or the wind of Sicily
whispering in her ear

She's fully hooked on

And why not, it NEVER
gets old, unlike these

Grazie mille Paola per una
bellisima Pasqua in Sicilia


  1. You look so happy! And you are right, I was wishing I was with you on this awesome weekend! Mountains, waterfalls and the mediterranean all in one place!

  2. How DARE you frolick with some other "friend."
