Wednesday, September 16, 2009

#10 The Inauguration

Now even though it only happens every four years, its one of the great moments in DC (especially this last year). Its a full weekend of celebrity stalking, free events, and when else do you get to say that you're going to a BALL? There's also that special moment in history that you get to be part of - just because you live here. This past year, I had dinner next to Bon Jovi, took a pedicab everyday (which previously did not exist in DC), worked at Big Sky Night (Montana's BALL) in a ski hat and scarf with a blow up snowboarding machine on the dance floor, while my friend gave directions to Ron Howard, and was in the best section for the Inauguration - PURPLE, PURPLE, PURPLE. Memories to last a lifetime...


  1. If only it weren't during the coldest days of the year. Those ball gowns don't offer much warmth!

  2. Uh, you forgot to mention the best part which is getting to see ME.
