Thursday, September 10, 2009

100 days left in DC

As a means of a short introduction to this blog, I'm moving to New Zealand after 5 years in Washington DC, and had the idea to start a journal where I would write down something each day for the last 100 days that I am in town in order to make sure I appreciate everything while I'm still in town and have no regrets. I happened to mention this to my friend Stephanie, who hates reading, and apparently all things paper, and she suggested a blog. So here we go, thank you Stephanie.

We all saw what happened to Julie in Julia/Julie, when she tried to cook a recipe everyday and blog about it, and the last thing I need is to be stressed out in my last 100 days. So, instead I'm going to list 100 things that I love/appreciate about DC with no promises to post everyday, and if you're really lucky I'll also do this for my first 100 days in New Zealand.

I should also mention that I'm not a blogger (although I guess I am now, yippee!) so apologies up front for the lack of links to twitter or YouTube and the like. My interaction with the worldwide web has been limited (lets forget about that webpage I made of myself freshman year of college) so this is a big step for me.

Another thing you should know up front is that while I find myself to be hilarious, and I am known as "the funny one" in my family, my jokes have been known to fall flat, so again lower your expectations for this blog and remember this was going to be a private journal so you really have Stephanie to thank for my unfunniness.

Lets get started....

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were about to suggest that they might make a movie about your last 100 days in DC, a la Julie/Julia.
